Book01.Log003 History

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February 03, 2009, at 01:36 AM by -
Added lines 4-9:

Summary: The Circle receives a disturbing invitation, one of diplomacy from the Mask Of Winters...

XP:P4, C4, M4, Z5

Tags: (:tags Mask of Winters, Tareveth, Melekin, Marukani Plains, Crostani, Jakobi, Underworld, Walker in Darkness, Fair Folk, Lai Misuna, God-Exalts, Northern Behemoth, Rintoko:)

Deleted line 488:

Tags: (:tags Mask of Winters, Tareveth, Melekin, Marukani Plains, Crostani, Jakobi, Underworld, Walker in Darkness, Fair Folk, Lai Misuna, God-Exalts, Northern Behemoth, Rintoko:)

January 31, 2009, at 08:46 PM by -
Added line 1:

(:title Deathlord Diplomacy:)

February 03, 2007, at 09:24 PM by -
Changed lines 482-484 from:

Tags: (:tags Mask of Winters, Tareveth, Melekin, Marukani Plains, Crostani, Jakobi, Underworld, Walker in Darkness, Fair Folk, Lai Misuna, God-Exalts, Northern Behemoth, Rintoko:)

Changed line 228 from:

Several of the tables are already filled. One has two women wearing the traditionally light and verdant clothing of Jakobi; the other has two old gentlemen in fine, rich silks and other signs of great wealth, along with...


Several of the tables are already filled. One has two people wearing the traditionally light and verdant clothing of Jakobi; the other has two old gentlemen in fine, rich silks and other signs of great wealth, along with...

Added lines 3-4:

Page last modified on February 03, 2009, at 01:36 AM