From Sol Invictus

Book02: He Has Repented

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Summary: Cerin and Zahara reveal Bertrand to Rannath, who reacts with rage.

XP:C1, R1, Z1

Bertrand, Red Lily, Unfolding Petal

8 Descending Fire, RY 768

<Rannath?> "It was.. good."

<Rannath?> ..Yes.

<Zahara?> "We have determined that the God who appeared in our manse, has Exalted this one." She palms the plate, and the door slides open with a grating noise.

<Cerin?> "Thats not quite true Zahara, I merely believe it was by the same proccess. His" he indicates the man in a the cell, wearing the uniform of an infantry man of the Legion "essence is that of a tree god"

<Rannath?> ...

<Zahara?> "Meet Bertrand." she says, as the door opens, revealing a cowering man. He has torn clothes and is covered blood, but doesnt actually seem to be injured. His uniform is that of the Legion.

<Rannath?> "..Traitors within my Legion."

<Zahara?> "He has..repented."

<Zahara?> "Haven't you, Bertrand?" she asks him sweetly

Bertrand, covered in sweat, looks up at Zahara with utter fear in his eyes. "Y....yes, mistress Zahara. I am very, very, very sorry."

<Zahara?> "Good boy."

Bertrand looks at Zahara and, noticing no obvious objection, prostrates himself before Rannath

<Zahara?> "What size?"

Bertrand backs away on his hands and knees, abjectly terrified. "P... please, Lord Rannath. P...please don't kill me. I didn't know what I was doing when they ordered me to join the Legion...."

He scampers quickly enough that he slips and falls on his back, looking utterly pitiful.

<Rannath?> "You desire mercy, then?"

<alsoquin> "Y... yes, Lord Rannath. I will do anything."

<Zahara?> "He knows information about his God, who is plotting against us. He may also be able to send false information, dictated, of course, by us.

<Rannath?> "And this god.. the one who left the red petals behind?"

<Cerin?> "It was an Exalt who left the petals behind, I think. There are at least two gods in this conspiracy...The Hidden Order Of The Red Lily, Bertrand here called it"

<Bertrand> "W... when I was... after I was Chosen. I was spoken to by the man who ordered me to join the Legion and report on its movements. He was clad all in red, and a god with the form of an unending tower of flowers, each contained within another, stood behind him.

<Bertrand> "His name was Lai Misuna, and the god's Unfolding Petal."

<Zahara?> "See how useful?" she looks proud.

<Zahara?> "Did you forget the part about passing false information to these gods who plot against you?"

<Zahara?> "Can you imagine the possibilities? We could set up an ambush."

<Rannath?> "Zahara, he is.. *was* a soldier under my command."

<Rannath?> "Betraying a false faith is well and good, but he has turned his back on his secret masters *and* the Unconquered Sun. There is nothing left for him."

<Zahara?> "He is a pawn, nothing more. Why destroy your opponent's pawn when you can capture it and use it to check the king?"

Bertrand lies on the floor, crying piteously and attempting to beg for his life between sobs.

<Cerin?> "And Rannath, if he dies, others of your men must too. He must die in battle, not in some cell in the heart of the Labyrinth, they must not suspect we uncovered his spy"

<Zahara?> "He can claim his Exalted nature allowed him to hide himself from our eyes when we searched the land for traitors."

<alsoquin> Zahara suddenly realizes that the wasps which bore Markuran and Birds-of-Trinity to the Marukani lands have returned, well before schedule.

<Zahara?> "We'll deal with this later... Something has happened." She palms the door closed and shooes everyone out the door, which she also closes.

<Cerin?> "What has happened, Zee?"

<Zahara?> "Markuran and Birds are back, far too early."

<Cerin?> "Ah, that is disquietening"

<Cerin?> "Ah, yes"

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