(:title Meeting With Lai:) <|[[SolInvictus.SolInvictusLogs|+]]|> Summary: Cerin meets with Lai Misuna, and receives instruction about what next to do. XP:C1 Tags: (:tags Lai Misuna, Herons, Red Knife, Rathess, Haslanti:) -------- At some point very shortly after that last miniscene, you're going to get a note from Lai saying that he wants a meeting immediately. * Cerin suggests a clearing in the forest, about a days travel from the Cascade. After you arrive, he appears behind you. "Cerin, you have not kept me waiting. Good." * Cerin turns, used to this kind of behavior "I am rarely late" "....Indeed." He looks haughty and impatient. "I understand that you and the... others met a Sidereal. Is this correct?" * Cerin nods "What did he ask of you?" <[[Cerin(TheWolf)]]> "He did not see me there, he asked of the gods of Listran, and their guards to Zahara and the others" "Hmmmmm. Do the others suspect their secret?" * Cerin shakes his head "They did not see the significance of the castemarks, did not know they were Exalted, flawed as they were" "Good." He pauses, as if to think for a second. * Cerin idly studies the mans essence, wondering what birthed it, and comparing it to his recent studies. "These Sunlanders seek to expand their territory, control the free lands of the Southeast. This must not be allowed to occur." "Should they seek to reach out into the lands north of their current holdings, you must prevent this from occurring. We will not allow a Solar hegemony to grip this region." <[[Cerin(TheWolf)]]> "I am in no place to stop them, not with words. They have ..firm views on such things." Cerin considers "I trust that my view of your abilities was not mistaken, Cerin." "You will find a way." He seems to consider for a moment, then speaks again. "Keep them out of the southeast as well. Rathess ''must'' remain safe from their predations. That is a priority. Is this understood?" * Cerin nods "Out of Rathess, out of the lands to the north. This I will try. I will not come to blows ith them over this, not without help. I will not die for your plans." Lai glares at Cerin for a moment. "Then I will mobilize others in case you fail. Do not fail, Cerin." He begins to turn away, then adds: "Just a final note. If you see Seven Leaping Herons again, give him THIS for me." * Cerin meets his glare levelly "I will not." He looks to see what is offered He draws out a dagger of brilliant red metal and hands it to Cerin. It is quite clear exactly HOW Cerin is intended to deliver this "Present." * Cerin takes the dagger, then, studying it "Very well." "I must depart now; I have urgent business in Haslanti. Godspeed." ------ <|[[SolInvictus.SolInvictusLogs|+]]|>