[[Brandon's Mage Game|http://wiki.stryck.com/pmwiki.php/Awakenings/Awakenings]], Starring
* [[Tezcatlipoca]] aka Tez [[See Tez Page|http://www.wiki.stryck.com/pmwiki.php/Awakenings/TezcatlipocaPage]]
* [[Huehueteotal]] aka Hue [[See Hue Page|http://www.wiki.stryck.com/pmwiki.php/Awakenings/HuehueteotalPage]]
* [[Mixcoatl]] aka Mix [[See Mix Page|http://www.wiki.stryck.com/pmwiki.php/Awakenings/MixcoatlPage]]
* [[Tlaloc]] who has no aka [[See Tlaloc Page|http://www.wiki.stryck.com/pmwiki.php/Awakenings/TlalocPage]]
* TheObsidianSpear is the Cabal we created
* SecretsAndStories - the real point of this wiki
* '''DrainedDry!'''- A young boy has his soul unbalanced to the point that he's a one-person dead-zone as far as spiritual energy is concerned after visiting a local musuem.
** Huehueteotl, upon checking out the musuem in some detail, found little to offer explanation for the boys condition. Everything seemed what one would expect in the musuem.
** One of {{Eumenides}}, in fact their Leader Alecto, was visiting the musuem when Huehueteotl went to check it out. She said she knew nothing about the boys unusual condition.
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* '''MagicalNexus'''- The search for a missing Mage (the Apollonian) lead to a Nightclub, which the characters discover is part of some kind of strange 'nexus of magical energies' that extends throughout the city of Miami. This seems to have something to do with the elaborately decorated Ladies Room, and the bizarre pattern on its ceiling.
** Frequent rapes, caused by multiple different men, have been occuring in the nightclub in question.
** The nightclub is frequented by the undead and other strange things, such as:
*** a weird spirit-possessed individual who kind of freaked out Huehueteotl's fetch.
*** A "lesbian vampire" that freaks Tez out
*** A twisted, dual-souled woman who embodies malice and also freaks Tez out
*** An abomination of some sort has scared all the spirits in the club. The thing in the woman above.
*** Raphael, a smoove vampire with a different woman on his arm every night
** The Cabal has been asked by the Coral Knights to watch the club, to observe and record, but never interfere!
*** If we do get caught, we can tell them we're with the CKs and they'll let us go, we hope.
** We intend to go on a spirit quest to speak with the Writhing Court. Tez is reluctantly bringing some expensive chiminage.
2nd reviision
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'''Awakenings - This is Power. This is Magic.'''
[[Brandon's Mage Game|http://wiki.stryck.com/pmwiki.php/Awakenings/Awakenings]], Starring
* [[Tezcatlipoca]] aka Tez [[See Tez Page|http://www.wiki.stryck.com/pmwiki.php/Awakenings/TezcatlipocaPage]]
* [[Huehueteotal]] aka Hue [[See Hue Page|http://www.wiki.stryck.com/pmwiki.php/Awakenings/HuehueteotalPage]]
* [[Mixcoatl]] aka Mix [[See Mix Page|http://www.wiki.stryck.com/pmwiki.php/Awakenings/MixcoatlPage]]
* [[Tlaloc]] who has no aka [[See Tlaloc Page|http://www.wiki.stryck.com/pmwiki.php/Awakenings/TlalocPage]]
* TheObsidianSpear is the Cabal we created
* SecretsAndStories - the real point of this wiki
'''''Important Storylines'''''
* '''TheCup'''- The characters (with the aid of another Cabal) intercept a clay cup before it is given to a private collector, but end up in a high-speed chase through the city with several armed gunmen.
<<slider chkTestSlider TheCup TheCup "The Cup">>
* '''MagicalNexus'''- The search for a missing Mage (the Apollonian) lead to a Nightclub, which the characters discover is part of some kind of strange 'nexus of magical energies' that extends throughout the city of Miami. This seems to have something to do with the elaborately decorated Ladies Room, and the bizarre pattern on its ceiling.
<<slider chkTestSlider MagicalNexus MagicalNexus "Magical Nexus">>
* '''DrainedDry!'''- A young boy has his soul unbalanced to the point that he's a one-person dead-zone as far as spiritual energy is concerned after visiting a local musuem.
<<slider chkTestSlider DrainedDry DrainedDry "Drained Dry ">>
* '''TlalocsProblems''' - Tlaloc has a bad habit of taking his investigations wherever they lead him, even if he brushes up against other Cabals. '''The Monitors,''' in this case.
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* '''TheCup'''- The characters (with the aid of another Cabal) intercept a clay cup before it is given to a private collector, but end up in a high-speed chase through the city with several armed gunmen.
** One car accident was magically caused by the group, the final effects of which are still unknown.
** The cup is currently being stored in the groups sanctum, in their "Secure Vault".
* '''TlalocsProblems''' - Tlaloc has a bad habit of taking his investigations wherever they lead him, even if he brushes up against other Cabals. '''The Monitors,''' in this case.
** "It's Tlaloc. The Monitors," she notes, referring to a small Silver Ladder cabal in Kendall that you haven't had a lot of contact with, "have brought an official complaint against your cabal, claiming that one of your number knowingly and maliciously violated their Right of Sanctuary." "They're holding him, involuntarily but in good shape from what I hear, in their Sanctum until he's turned over to the Consilium and then probably back into your custody -- but you'll have to appeal before the Judicator."
** A Ley Line turned 90deg to its '''original path''' and Tlaloc was following it, trying to figure out what had done it. It now goes Northwest, straight through the Monitors' sanctum - which used to be held by an old cabal.
*** Eumenides and the Broken Candle date back to that time period though. The Coral Knights are younger, being a heritage Cabal that formed in the image of a cabal from that time period.
*** Most of the Broken Cabal isn't from the 20s, mind, but the cabal structure survives that long and Master Horatio is the classic greybeard. Whom nobody is quite sure of his age, but you'd know it goes back to at least 1901.
*** Alecto isn't as old as him, only being a former Flapper from the 20s. She's the oldest of her cabal. Alecto looks, like, 30 though ;)
** The Monitors seem to think the ObsidianSpear has something to do with it, but Master Horatio dismissed the matter and actually apologized to Tlaloc. (Who is now grounded by us.)
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